‘Salome’ by Theatre Lab in Thessaloniki-Greece

The 4th stop of ‘Salome’ by Theatre Lab Company was in Thessaloniki-Greece. We performed from the 15th-21st of October. After popular demand and 6 successful sold-out nights we added a 7th extra performance. The Greek audience loved ‘Salome’ and we are very proud of performing in Thessaloniki. Thank you all for your support and kindness.

5th 3DAY Acting Workshop in Thessaloniki-Greece August 2014

3μερο Σεμινάριο Υποκριτικής Το Θέατρο Έξω από τα Τείχη διοργανώνει για 5η συνεχή χρονιά σεμινάριο υποκριτικής με τον ηθοποιό Κωνσταντίνο Καβακιώτη πάνω στην τεχνική ‘Viewpoints’, στην τεχνική ‘Punctuation Walks’ και στον αυτοσχεδιασμό. Η τεχνική Viewpoints εξερευνά τις φυσικές αρχές της κίνησης, του χρόνου και του χώρου. Από την φύση της η τεχνική αυτή υπάρχει για …

My Interview at metro.gr for ‘Salome’ in Greece and Press Coverage

Διαβάστε τα 2 άρθρα της Μάρας Μπέκα: www.metrogreece.gr/ArticleDetails/tabid/82/ArticleID/382134/Default.aspx www.metrogreece.gr/ArticleDetails/tabid/82/ArticleID/383803/Default.aspx και την κριτική του Βασίλη Νάτσιου: www.cosmopoliti.com/επιτυχημένη-σαλώμη/?fb_action_ids=659173844114355&fb_action_types=og.likes

‘Salome’ by Oscar Wilde in Athens- Greece

Unforgettable experience performing ‘King Herod’ in the production of ‘Salome’ by O. Wilde directed by A.Revi in Athens. Performing in my country after all these years of absence made it a unique and heartwarming experience in my acting career. I would love to thank all the friends and all the people that came to see …

International Actors Fellowship 2013 at Shakespeare’s Globe

Being honoured and extremely happy to be a part of the International Actors Fellowship 2013 at the Globe Theatre in London. The fellowship consists of twenty actors from all over the world working in Shakespearean text. The aim of the Fellowship is to exchange ideas and to gather different cultural acting backgrounds in one place..the …

4th 3day Workshop in Thessaloniki-Greece August 2013

I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart the theatre organisation ”Theatro Exo Apo Ta Teihi” and all the participants who trusted me and gave their full energy and dedication for 3 days in the workshop that I led this year in Thessaloniki-Greece. Have a nice acting year and see you in …